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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Second Night : Me and You

Yesterday night, MIL not free to take care YiWen. She had appointment with close relatives. She did offered to bring YiWen along to the event, but i said i can manage on my own. So i will jaga YiWen instead.

Fetched her from nanny's hs at 7:10pm. Then took her to nearby children park for her playtime and take the opportunity to have my pregnancy exercise too.. I also brought along her favourite Red Bunny Tricycle. A big MISTAKE! Shouldn't have brought it there.. she kept pushing the tricycle, reluctant to sit and learn to cycle.. there is no way u can push the tricycle in straight line unless someone maneuver it. And yet she scolded everytime i helped her to keep her tricycle straight.. kik sei.. 7:40pm, the sky is turning dark, we need to get moving already.. not safe to be on the park this late. Nowadays too many child kidnappers and traffickers around. This is DAMN scary! Of coz, she is reluctant to cabut.. she is enjoying her Red Bunny.. but what to do.. kept reason to her lo.. pursue her lo.. macam begging her pulak.. isks!! Then don't know what came into her mind she dumped her Red Bunny and ran towards the car.. YIPPIE.. at least she listened to me. Phew!

On the way home, she kept asking me to replay her clip which i recorded her in the park just now. But half way viewing, the camera battery gone flat! AIYO! Apa lagi, she kept saying "hoi ...hoi ... hoi" (meaning open.. open.. open) . Mommy can't do magic.. so kept saying "Mommy on it at home later ok?" She dun understand la.. kept kicking and throw tantrum on her car seat.. haiyo!! Disaster betul!

Reached home.. she very bad mood. She reluctant to go into the house. Still want to keep "PUSHING" her Red Bunny. Hai Yo! Compound not big enough, asked me to open the auto gate so that she can play at roadside.. , i said "NO" she cry and cry and cry.. poor girl. I pujuk her to come up to house to lor.. opened the clip in my netbook and showed it to her.. then only she come in.. Very cranky ooo.. PENING! While she enjoying her clips from baby stage till now.. i asked her if she hungry .. "u want mum-mum or not?".. She nodded. Hehehe.. lau kai pun know what is hunger hor.. so cute! Cook her home-cook-style cintan kong lou mee.. very easy only..

Prepare the sauces:
1) Light soya sauce
2) Some pepper powder
3) Sesame oil - few drops
4) Osyter sauce

Boil water and cook the cintan mee... once the mee is cooked, pour it in the sauce plate.. there you go.. She ate most of the mee, left 1/4 for me only.. hehehe..

Then she drank some soya bean which i tah pau when on the way back from park.

Clean her, diaper her.. she wollup 8oz milk down.

YiWen enjoying her CNY musical show while i washed up bottle milk.
She is sitting on her favourite Hippo (from Fisher Price).

10:15pm, pujuk her to go upstairs to sleep. Due to trimester pregnancy, i got tired quickly. Before she doze off, i think i already doze off .. hehe.. What a night!!


Reanaclaire said...

yes..taking care of the young is not as easy as it seems to be.. how our parents can take care of us last time, i wonder.. half a dozen of us some more.. hahhaa...
btw, may i ask where u buy yr dot com from?

Lisa Chan said...

Last time parents not so fussy like me.. hehe.. even my mom said she can't stand how i take care my kid.. but she also admitted that YiWen is super active.. unlike us last time. Blame on those DHA pills i took during the pregnancy lo. I guess overdosed liao.. :P

I bought it from godaddy.com when they were having SUPER promo. USD9.98 per year. USD rate is low now, good time to grab one :)