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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kari Udang at Nibong Tebol

For those who living at Nibong Tebal, this restaurant is very famous among the local in the small town. My colleagues are kind enough to take me to have a lunch at Nibong Tebal all the way from Parit Buntar. And YES! It worth all the effort to find this restaurant.

They are popular with big-head prawn cooked in dry curry. YUMMY! They actually will ask you if you would to have rice or bread instead. Most of my colleagues actually opted for bread. As i'm preggie.. i opted for rice instead. Don't think bread can fulfil my hunger till dinner.. hehehe.. :P

The prawn is meaty and fresh! Nice! Usually this kinda of prawn will be steamed and serve with some garlic and garnishing to taste it freshness. But i must admit this curry prawn is YUM YUM especially if you dip the bread into the curry! Remember to try their sugar cane drink too .. self-packed in glass bottle ... Those who are curry-lover ... this is a must-try dish! :)

Forgot to bring camera, so didn't catch any pictures of it.. Sorry ya.. :) But still managed to get name card from the si-tou... :)