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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

1st Day : Me and You

Woke up 6:30am.

Drank milk and took all the necessary prenatal supplements.

Heat up breakfast to bring to office.

Pack all my bags and Yiwen's bag and put in car first.

Water the ground floor plants.

7am Heard that gal calling ... "Dah Dah"!! "Dah Dah"!! (She been calling me that lately.. maybe she heard my hubby call me Darling everytime.. so she follows)

Went to her room and ask her what's going on.. she told me "bu .. bu.." She is refering her 2 ever favourite blankets which i named it BUSUK... She continue to lay on the bed.. roll around with her eyes closed..

I quickly clean myself, put on light make up and wear my office attire.

Then to pujuk her to wake up, i ask her if she want to help me water plant at room balcony.. she nodded with her eyes close.. hehe.. she just pretend sleeping nia.. :P

After watering the plants, i carried her down to living room.. she wants VITAGEN.. gave her one and then as usually she will pull out and throw away the straw. She prefer to drink from the small hole .. which eventually she will make it bigger hole with her fingers.. alamak..

Forgot to take her busuk down, so i went up to 3rd floor again to take it. When i came down she waiting for me at staircase, and told me "Si.. Si". Oh oo.. i knew something is wrong.. AIYO! She spilled out all the Vitagen on her hippo (her favourite walker) and floors.. already 7:25am.. need to leave the house latest by 7:40am so that i can reach office by 8:30am. Didn't scold her much.. just ask her to sit down and drink only.. she obeyed.. i quickly wipe everything clean clean... then i smelled something stink from Yiwen.. AIYO!! "U poo poo ar?!" She nodded.. and giggled.. Mampus i .. quickly ask her to clean her butt in toilet.. she obeyed.. but after wash wash.. she reluctant to come out as she wanna play with water.. so .. let her play for a while lo.. then ask her if she wants jelly.. she quickly stop playing and ran to fridge to take jelly.. i diaper her and quickly ask her to wear shoes shoes get ready to go nanny's hs..

Reach office earlier at 8:20am.. 10mins earlier! phew..


Jphier said...

What an interesting morning? Hopefully this doesn't happen every morning. If YiWen wants to poo poo every time just before you go to work then you will phew phew every morning. LOL.

One thing about YiWen, she is really very cute la.

From: Jeck

Lisa Chan said...

hahaha.. yalor.. her timing is always that RIGHT! kik sei ngor!