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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Princess YiJing is borned!!

Finally my second baby girl is borned!! Yeah! She is a big and healthy bb , weighing at 3.76kg aka 8.3pounds. Never expected my bb is gonna this big size. Doc din really hint me as well.. though the scanner did told me her weigh 1 week before delivery was 3.5kg. From doctor manual examination, he assured me she is gonna be 3.3kg only. Many tau, all also wrong..

My actual DD is 17th Nov but on the 6th Nov, i went for check up and doc told me that my cervix is already opened 2cm and bb position is OK. So doc told me it is anytime. Must induce within 48hours else bacteria might enter in and harm the bb. So he schedule me to induce latest by 8th Nov. In unprepared situation, i got to plan my delivery, since my in law told us 8th Nov is not a good day, so we decided to have it done on 7th Nov. On the 6th, I quickly went back to office to pack my notebook and other stuff, so that i can work from home while i'm away. Get ready all YiWen's stuff so that in law and my hubby can take care of her while i'm away. Of coz , also my hospital bag, stemlife bag and so on.. really a mess.. hahaha.. coz it happened so much earlier.. very unexpected, u know what i mean?

On the 7th Nov, once settled down YiWen, myself and hubby quickly report to the delivery suite. It was very very quite and dark inside the suite.. with only 2 nurses standby. From my previous experience, usually this suite is packed with mommies, nurses walked around busy with patients and monitoring equipments, few doctors rushing between delivery rooms. But today, just feel very awkward. Well.. don't care la.. i told nurse in the suite i'm here for induce .. but nurse told me no induction to be done on Sunday unless emergency. UH?!!! Then why doc asked me to come anytime.. ISKS! Nurse called my doc and he agreed to do it for me on his rest day... felt so relief.. so this suite is only for me and not shared by any mommies.. so special. Kekeke!

I was then induce at 2:30pm.. then by 3:30pm, my cervix has opened up to 10cm already.. doc is with me standby.. but somehow my contraction after contraction is very far apart.. about 2.5mins. Each pain, i'm required to push.. and the whole session last till 4:22pm. It is horrible to push.. initially thought doc will help me by vacuum .. but he said i can do it by myself.. AIYO! Somemore, without knowing that i'm pushing a big bb out! Sakit tak terhingga ooo! Once bb is out.. i was already too blur to know what is going on ... i only hear nurses said.. "wah! big bb ooo!!" Wah , so big ooo the placenta... ! When i wore my spec back.. the floor are stained with fresh blood.. some more a pool of blood by the placenta tray.. wah! I asked my hubby.. "so much blood ar?" Doc said "big bb mah.. now got to stitch back your part.. too big already." And the stitching like took forever to be done.. PAIN like hell!!

So glad that all is over.. and relief to know my bb is super healthy.. mommy has no complication too, except loss of excessive blood which i need to "bou" back during my confinement period.. :)

Some photos of YiJing to share with you.. :)


Elane said...

congrats on your newborn and rest well.

Lisa Chan said...

Hi Elane,

Thanks for the wishes! :)

Smelly Butt's Ama said...

congrats again!! I can imagine the blood scene u mentioned +_+ scary wor. must 'bou' more now ok!

Yannie said...

Congratulation! Welcom baby YiJing to the world. Your rest well.

Lisa Chan said...

Smelly Butt's Ama:
Thanks.. ur turn soon.. :) hehehe..

Sheoh Yan:
Thanks Sheoh.. :) Ya.. i remind myself i got to take more rest.. but still face the notebook for >4hours a day.. kekeke.. :P

Yee Ling said...

Congrats!! Gosh...such an adorable baby.