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Monday, November 22, 2010

Baby YiWen & Baby YiJing

Baby YiWen

Baby YiJing

Do they look similar? I think both their eyes look like mommy.. nose like daddy.. YiWen's mouth looks like daddy whereas YiJing's like mommy.. YiJing got more hairs then YiWen , obviously.... :P Both also very chubby , but somehow YiJing extra chubby.. kakakaka.. Argh, both are my PRECIOUS!!  :)


Yannie said...

Both look alike each others. I can understand how proud you are to have these 2 precious princesses.

Smelly Butt's Ama said...

muka photostet adik beradik! but again, i feel that YJ is more to daddy's look :P

pc said...

Heyya! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!!! i can imagine how proud you are with both precious.

both are beautifully look alike. i always wonder how could this not happen to me :p...