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Friday, November 12, 2010

5th Day :Jaundice?

I don't know how much you believe in gov nurses who came to our house usually on 2nd or 3rd day after gave birth. I really appreciate government for sending them over to check on our conditions. But please ensure that those service is at upmost standard la.. This X nurse came to our house on 3rd day. She said my bb a bit kuning, better test blood to check. Since YiJing is delivered in private hospital, we went back to the hospital for test. Came out result 12.4 , according to the nurse, only when reach 15.0 and above need to be warded. So, on their follow up call, we told them the result, but she said since bb is O blood type, better check again the next day, coz this blood type easier to get jaundice. Fine! This time, we though maybe it is FOC in gov clinic, so we gave it a try. After blood is taken, nurses asked my hub to send the blood to "makmal". My hub waited for 30mins at least , NOT WAIT for result.. but WAIT for that lab assistant to finish "Yam Char" aka "breakfast". And yes! 1 makmal 1 assistant only. CIALAK. Then my hubby got back the result in <1 min after passed the blood to him.. <1 MINUTE!! And the result came out to be 15.0 tepat tepat!! The nurse wrote me a letter and asked us to admit YiJing to General Hospital. We did not object, we just wanna get out of the place ASAP! Negative confident! My hubby immediately said go to private hospital to check again, just to ensure YiJing is not 15.0. So, we went back, and the result came out 30mins later, and showing only 12.5!! So , u tell me how to let them handle my precious if they do things like tidak apa! Though the service and hospitalization fee are free, but how to be confident with them if the diagnostic procedure is so terribly lousy? AIYO!

After 2oz of breast milk.. she now sioK siOk in her dreamy land.. hehehe .. :)


Smelly Butt's Ama said...

duh...govt hospital really hopeless leh. luckily get 2nd check, otherwise buang masa saja.

Lisa Chan said...

yes! pity hubby, he wasted 2 days accompany me to bring YiJing to hospital for test.