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Monday, November 29, 2010

Giant Baby

YiWen on YiJing's sleeping basket.

See this giant "baby"? She is getting cheekier lately. Whenever she saw i carry mei-mei... she will ask me to "pau-pau" aka carry her. How to carry 16+kg toddler during confinement ar? Usually i will sit down and ask her to sit on my lap and hug her.. consider carry lo..
If i breastfeed mei-mei.. sometimes she will ask me for nen-nen.. **slap forehead**
If she want me to follow her to somewhere, but i'm carrying mei-mei.. she will push mei-mei away.. is this sibling jealousy??... consider not gua, coz she don't simply do that unless she wants to reach something with my help..

Hmm.. didn't notice my daughter has grown up so much until she squeezed up into this basket.. muahahahaha!