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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Breastfeeding Progress So Far..

Gladly to say that i feel a lot more comfortable and confident to breastfeed YiJing compare with the time with YiWen. At least till now, i do not have any blocked dust or extreme engorgement since i'm been pumping every 2hours (daytime) and direct breastfeed (night-time). Through experience, i know how to avoid those problems which i faced last time. This time i hired the same Confinement Lady. She is a very nice person, darn good cook, very very hardworking, clean and tidy person. But she is never a good breastfeeding adviser. She will give lots of bad comment on the breastfeeding and no confident that breastmilk will grow up the baby. If last time i almost believe in her words.. but NEVER this time! Everytime she said anything bad about it, i will ask her to look at my YiWen. A 2 year old toddler but wearing apparels size of 3yrs old. So, jangan main main ya!! Never let surroundings to demotivate you! This is very important!!