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Monday, November 29, 2010

Ba Zhen Tonic Soup

After 12th day of giving birth, every night my CL will slow-boil me tonic soup to nourish and improve my vital energy or qi. Every night with different type of soups. But one of my favourite is THIS!!    

Ba Zhen Tonic Soup

It tastes bitter sweet, i like that combination. Since i love to eat boiled egg, instead of 1 , i requested 3. 1 for hubby, 1.5 for me and half for YiWen. YiWen loves the egg yolk dipped with soy sauce. Pandai makan hor? So young can taste so yummy food.. Every night, i'm looking forward for my CL's tonic soup.. that's my supper!! 


Yannie said...

I also love ba zheng with eggs. I myself can ate 2 to 3 eggs at one shot.

Lisa Chan said...

Wah.. yan, eat so much still can get such nice figure? What secret ar? :P

Yee Ling said...

Ohhhh...i cant stand de smell of bak zheng soup