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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

This year MM celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival at her preschool. The preschool's principal is so thoughtful to organize such a happy event which also include parents' presence as well. All children are required to bring their lantern or candles to the night. There are snack buffet for the kids and clowns are also invited to blow and tie them balloon. As before, MM has never been brave enough go close to clown. She was extremely scare to even have a picture with them. LOL!

MM also has close friends. I think the closest is XW. They are almost at the same size. Very cute to see them together especially when they auto hold-hand at one moment. So cute! 3 years old , and already have close best friend. :)

We left the event a bit early as we need to rush to pick up baby JJ at nanny's hs. MM was very unhappy to leave the event, in the car, she kept asking me to bring her back to school. Now if you ask her if she loves school.. she will not hesitate to answer you "YES"! LOL!


Yannie said...

All pictures are lovely, especailly 3 happy stooges

Lisa Chan said...

Thanks Yan!