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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to Happy MM!

Hohoho.. my darling MM is 3 years old todate! We did early celebration for her at her preschool together with her buddies and classmates yesterday. Today the exact day, will be among our close family members. I started to do the preparation 1 month before the party. Write letter to principal la.. order and pack goodies  la, order cake and cupcakes la.. prepare all the homemade food for her party la.. 

I guess i'm more excited than MM. Can't actually sleep the night before as worrying that i'm might not able to be on time for the event. Teacher requested me to come before 9:30am, as that's the time they will take their breakfast. And that same night also baby JJ woke me up at 2am and played till 4am before going back to bed. Woke up at 6:30am and quickly send baby JJ to nanny and then prepare red eggs, bento ham sandwich, konnyaku jelly (made this on Sunday) and fried chicken nuggets. Rush like mad.. and luckily reached preschool on time at 9:10am. Phew!

Luckily nearby my office, there is a shop that sells lots of party goodies and i requested the boss to help me pack into 25 bags. So, all ready and i just need to dump in sweet/chocolate/gummies before the event.

Everyone was so excited seeing this big 3D angry bird cake! I mean really EVERYONE.. not only children... but teachers as well... LOL! The cupcakes are actually recommendation from my colleague. I ordered it from Waiseehomemade (Check her out in Facebook), and apparently she living around my neighbourhood only. :) Thanks Waisee for such a nice cupcakes! The children are so happy of this!!

All SMILES.............. that really made my day seeing her so extremely happy. All my hard work paid off! :)

Mommy and Daddy wishing you HAPPY 3 YEAR OLD BIRTHDAY and be happy and healthy always! Also not to forget, behaved and be obedient ALWAYS! :) 


Yannie said...

It was a very nice 3D Angry Bird cake. Happy Birthday to YiWen

Smelly Butt's Ama said...

Happy Belated Birthday to MM!!

Blessed Homemaker said...

My kids are Angry Bird fans too and they had been bugging me to make one for them. Not sure if I can produce a decent one but at least I can use yours as an example.