Another 5 days JJ will soon be 10 months old. These are her 10months old milestones:
1) Weight: 9kg , Height : 73-75cm
2) With 2 bottom and 2 upper front teeth
3) Taking 3-4 milk intake of each at 7-8oz
4) Loves lean-meat pork porridge
5) Loves snack.. what you eat she will want to have some too..
6) Her hair is so long, that i need to give her a hair cut yesterday.
7) Able to pull herself up into standing position, and when she gets tired, she can gently lower herself down into sitting position.
8) Able to walk very slowly holding on her sister's study chair..
9) Gets upset when toys are removed
10) Loves to snuggle under mommy's hugs
11) Waves bye-bye <- occasionally, if her mood is good
12) Only take max 2 naps daily
13) Loves to play Peek-ka-boo, I see you! She even know how to play it.. she will pull her skirt up to cover her face, and then she will uncover it and start giggling and laughing at her own acts .. LOL! Very cute to see her bottom 2 teeth when she laugh.. hehehe!
14) Loves her sister's presence. She will smile and giggle when seeing her sister standing at the doorstep to greet
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