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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 22, 2011

She can smell , see and recognize me!!

Yijing is now at 5mths 2weeks old.. weighing at 7.42kg. Surely a good weight to me. :) She is also a fully breastfed baby. Not sure how long more i'm going to feed her with breastmilk.. but i do hope i can extend to as many months as possible.. hopefully the breasts "chang hei" a bit.. :P

Lately, I found Yijing is able to see and recognize me. She does not let anyone to carry her...even if she lets, it will only be for a moment. Once she sees me walk past or heard my voice.. then she will start crying.. babies are so smart.. they just knew!! 

Yijing does not really like sarong... the most she can sleep on sarong is just 1 hour (in quiet room), just enough for me to pump milk and take quick shower.. she just knew when will i be free... :S Though taking care of her is quite tiring for me, i'm loving every minutes of it. She loves me to carry and sing her to sleep.. without much struggle.. :) To me , she is a lot calmer than her elder sister, YiWen. Nevertheless, mommy loves both of you till the end ... **muak muak**


Yannie said...

In your profile, you state you are full time working mom and yet you are full time brest feeding your baby, amazing! I salute you for your endurance and patience. I really admire you.

Lisa Chan said...

Salute u too! For staying so stylish all time... ^-^