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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 22, 2011


The title of this post said out loud and clear... See picture below? What is she wearing on top of the pyjamas? YES!! Swimming suit... whenever she saw it on sofa/cabinet/wardrobe , she will ask us to give it to her.. yes! Just give it to her.. she will wear it on herself... She is so obsessed with it that she wear it in preschool and even in her bedtime! When PIL picked her up from preschool.. sometimes, she will have swim suit on top of her casual wear... funny or not? I don't know if her frens or teachers got laugh at her or not.. **slap head**


Yannie said...

Her swim suit is pretty. Why don't you buy her a similar pattern of a normal dress for her.

Lisa Chan said...

Oh.. if anything can replace her swim suit, I wouldn't be that headache... she just wan THAT suit.. nothing else..