Bitter Gourd+Carrot+Onion Soup, Worcestershire Sauce Fried Chicken, Onion Omelette, Hoisin Sauce Prawn
Many don't fancy bitter gourd. And I don't know if YiWen likes it or not. So I dare not use it to cook with chicken or omelette as these dishes can't hide those bitterness of the gourd. So, i use it to boil soup this time. At least salt and red dates can actually hide a bit of those bitterness. Plus, it is very good to reduce body heat .. great for my hubby. He always complain got ulcer in his mouth. Of coz la! Don't drink much water and eat lots of snacks outside! I would say this soup turn out to be very tasty.. sweet and little bitter. I felt that the taste is so balance! YiWen drank lots of it. :)
Of all the dishes up there, I ate the onion omelette and soup the most. This weekend prefer to eat non-meat dishes. So most of the meat, my hubby and YiWen wallop.. YiWen ate 2 chicken wings (upper part) and 3-4 prawns. This gal simply loves meat and soup.. good! :)
U know what.. it is a very joyful moment to see your family members enjoying the dishes that you cook. All hard-work paid off.. :)
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