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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Yippie Mother's Day !!!

Celebrating this year Mother Day's at Fairway Restaurant at Royal Golf Club with PIL, BIL and SILs. Nice place to  be at. At least something different la.. if not sure will go to Chinese (Aircon) restaurants. Really bored already. :P Food wise.. so so only.. but to me, the most important thing is, everyone had good time with each other's presence. :) Wish all mommies , HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! It is our pride to have this day dedicated to us .. :) So enjoy it!


Small Kucing said...

Happy Mother's Day to you!

Yannie said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, you look gorgeous and .... sexy figure.....

Lisa Chan said...

Thank you SmallKucing! ... Thank you Yan!