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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, July 8, 2011

8 Months

YiJing at 8 months:

1) Weight: 8kg.. Height: Didn't measure
2) Can commando crawl speedily.
3) Bergigi satu since 7 months 2weeks... 1 more popping out soon
2) Love porridge very muchie... 
3) Favourite dessert is Banana Custard ... YUM YUM!
4) Very very extremely sticky to Mommy... move an inch.. she will scream and cry
5) Laughing aloud when seeing her sister running around like mad...
6) Her favourite toy ... pull-along-phone
7) Occasionally say "ba-ba" ... jealous me! 
8) Love milk milk before nap/bedtime
9) Need pacifier or mommy's nen nen to sleep
10) Can sleep with or without sarong.. GOOD Girl!
11) Extremely sweaty after playtime or when weather is hot... inherited by papa

Generally, a very GOOD baby! 

Everyday, just can't wait to go back home see you and your sister. ^_^


Yannie said...

Who is babysitting your kids, when you are at work? Yi Wen is very adorable

Lisa Chan said...

Baby is with babysitter.. :)

You mean YiWen adorable or Yijing adorable? Or BOTH? :P