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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

60oz or more GONE!

Poured away more than 20bottles (3oz each) of breastmilk into drain!

Haiii.. due to my mishandling of it. Should have put it into freezer right away after pumping as YiJing is not able to drink all in time. I had put it in refrigerator compartment for more than 1 week only when I thawed it for YiJing, the smell of the milk was awful.. tasted sour too.. YUCK!

Hub said nevermind, it is not that mommy has no supply.. he also added that if next time i pour it into drain again, better use it to water plants.. he wanna save 2 plants on our balcony which are dying away soon...hehehe..


Smelly Butt's Ama said...

alamak...but nv mind la, you'll be able to 'restock' it very soon :)

Yannie said...

Your husband is so funny. He is right too, mind as well using to water the plant, very nutritious.

pc said...

dont be sad, im sure you will be piling up the store very soon.

happy breastfeeding:)

jphier said...

Or you may use it to mandi la like Cleopatra...hehehe...

Broccoli Ginger said...

Cannot use to water plant. The plant will die, cos it's oily! Heard some mothers did, and the plant ... :P u know what happens.