My common brfg problem is blocked ducts. Worst is that it keeps on recurring! Hate
it a lot! To overcome this problem, I must transform myself from a lazy person to a
hardworking one by adding more pumping sessions. You know what is blocked ducts?
A blocked duct presents as a painful, swollen, firm mass in the breast. The skin
overlying the blocked duct is often quite red, similar to what happens during
mastitis, but less intense. Mastitis is usually also associated with fever and more
intense pain as well. However, it is not always easy to distinguish between a mild
mastitis and a severe blocked duct. Both are associated with a painful lump in the
I had mastitis once , but many many times with blocked ducts. If you have
blocked ducts, the best way to get rid of it is to apply hot towel on the lumps and
then breastfeed as much as possible. Try every brfg positions until the lumps
subside. However, if you are away from your baby, you will need to pump rigoriously
to unblocked it. Breast compression is necessary. But I found that using
wide-tooth-comb to comb the lumps area from upper breast towards the nipple is very
helpful. Using comb may sound weird, but it works wonder! Well, I always keep a comb
in my pump bag though. After all, it ain't heavy right?
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