My 18months old toddler has been acting like 3 years old toddler yesterday and today! Her communication is so wonderful till me and my hubby turned speechless at one time.
She usually will have her milk intake at 9:30pm everynite with her jie-jie. Everytime, we have to make her finished her milk .. not a smooth task, though. Very sien. But yesterday night, she asked for “Mommy!! nen-nen!!” .. “Tor Tor!!” She ask me to make a lot of milk for her. I made her 5oz and she finished it in less than 2 mins ? Most of the time 3oz will take her 5mins.. Once she finished she bring the empty bottle to her Papa. While i was folding clothes, she suddenly came and bring me a pampers .. “nah!” Ask me to change it. Ya, i change her diaper everynight before sleep. Else it will be too soiled by morn. But, this routine, i’m the one who take the diaper and chase after her to change diaper everynite.
Today at 5:30am, she woke up.. sat by my bedside, “Mommy!! Nen nen…!!! Tor Tor!!”. Though i’m super blur and sleepy but i’m more than happier to wake up and make her milk. U know , u will never know when she will go mad and dislike milk again. Since she wants it , i will make it for her. Waking up, she brought me my spec … she passed to me and said “nah!”. Then, she know i will definitely bring my handphone as well, she brought the mobile and again passed it to me “Nah!”. Really fell so happy my gal is so observant on my daily doings. LOL. I carried her down, and i confirmed again if she wants nen-nen.. then she said “tor tor” … then “jie-jie” .. meaning she want to drink a lot of milk while watching jie jie dance VCD. She loves to watch those VCD with kids singing and dancing.
Finished her nen-nen , played for a while, then sleep back at 6:30am. Me have to get ready for work .. sigh.. wat an early wake up call. Hope this is not often ya, gal.. Else Mommy will faint at work.